SeqAn3  3.0.3
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
Alignment policies

Provides policies for the alignment algorithm. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Alignment policies:


class  seqan3::detail::affine_gap_init_policy< alignment_algorithm_t >
 The CRTP-policy that implements the initialisation of the dynamic programming matrix with affine gaps. More...
class  seqan3::detail::affine_gap_policy< alignment_algorithm_t, score_t, align_local_t >
 The CRTP-policy that computes a single cell in the alignment matrix. More...
class  seqan3::detail::alignment_matrix_policy< alignment_algorithm_t, score_matrix_t, trace_matrix_t >
 Manages the alignment and score matrix. More...
class  seqan3::detail::find_optimum_policy< alignment_algorithm_t >
 The CRTP-policy to determine the optimum of the dynamic programming matrix. More...
class  seqan3::detail::scoring_scheme_policy< alignment_algorithm_t, scoring_scheme_t >
 The CRTP-policy that stores the scoring scheme used for this alignment algorithm. More...
class  seqan3::detail::simd_affine_gap_policy< alignment_algorithm_t, score_t, align_local_t >
 The CRTP-policy that computes a batch of cells in the alignment matrix using simd instructions. More...
class  seqan3::detail::simd_find_optimum_policy< alignment_algorithm_t, simd_t >
 The CRTP-policy to determine the optimum of the dynamic programming matrix. More...

Detailed Description

Provides policies for the alignment algorithm.


The standard pairwise alignment algorithm in SeqAn is implemented in many variations. It supports the standard algorithms such as the global, local, and semi-global alignment using different kinds of scoring matrices for nucleotide or amino acid alphabets. It further allows for computing only the score or the begin and end positions or even the traceback. In addition, the algorithms can be executed in highly parallel environments using SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) vectorisation and multi-threading. The combination of all of these variations leads to a huge number of different implementations of the same algorithm. Hence it is desirable to reduce the code duplication in order to increase maintenance and extension of the alignment algorithms in the future. To achieve this the alignment algorithm type is specialised with alignment policies.

Policy state

Policies can have an internal state to manage some additional variables. However, be careful with using non-stateless policies, as they can affect the internal memory layout which can result in performance regressions. The state of a policy should therefore be carefully tested with benchmarks.

Customising the alignment algorithm

An alignment policy serves as a customisation point to the alignment algorithm which has to implement a specific set of functions that are called by the actual seqan3::detail::alignment_algorithm type. These policies further separate logical units of the alignment algorithm, i.e. the initialisation, the computation, and the memory allocation of the alignment matrix.

Gap policies

Gap policies are used to initialise and to compute the cells within the alignment matrix. The gap policies are further divided into a policy initialising the matrix and computing the cells. The following table shows the functions that need to be implemented by a gap policy.

Function name Arguments Return value
compute_cell cell &&, cache &, score const & void

Existing gap policies:

The following table displays requirements for the corresponding gap intialisation policy:

Function name Arguments Return value
init_origin_cell cell &&, cache & void
init_column_cell cell &&, cache & void
init_row_cell cell &&, cache & void

Existing gap init policies:

Find optimum policies

These policies are used to define the search space of the alignment optimum.

Function name Arguments Return value
check_score cell const, optimum & void
check_score_last_row cell const, optimum & void
check_score_last_column cell const, optimum & void

Existing optimum policies: